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Please browse my services below

Parent Coaching and Therapy

Coaching focuses more on the "now"  and the "how" and typically concerns a short-term "stumbling block" issue. For example, your child is throwing temper tantrums and you can't control them, in parenting coaching, we would focus on the problem behavior, and possible triggers, and talk about actions you might try to resolve it. Situations better suited for coaching might include:

Parenting dilemmas

Family communication issues

Developmental issues

Mild problems at school

Low conflict divorce or custody difficulties

In relation to Coaching, Therapy focuses more on the past and "why", and typically concerns longer-term life issues. For example, if you and your spouse are divorcing, and your child has become sullen and withdrawn, in play therapy, we would focus on the root of this problem, the underlying emotions involved and how to work through them.Situations better suited for therapy might include:

Anxiety or depression



Sexual abuse or acting out

Grief due to death or loss

Mental health diagnosis

Ongoing problems at school or with peers

High-conflict divorce or custody difficulties

Maternal Mental Health and

Infant/Parent Psychotherapy

I offer maternal mental health and infant parent psychotherapy services as part of my practice. I provide services to mothers experiencing the transition into motherhood; dealing with issues of infertility and also during the pre/postnatal periods. The transition into parenthood can be emotionally complex and can lead to pregnancy or postpartum depression and anxiety. 

We know postpartum depression affects children’s development and puts them at a higher risk of future psychiatric illness. In fact, maternal depression during infancy has a bigger impact on a child’s development than later exposure to maternal mental illness (Essex 2001, Moehler 2006).  Infant parent psychotherapy is a way to address parents concerns with baby or young child present. This allows focused attention to the baby's individuality and careful consideration of the parent's experience.

No child is too young to be referred and all parents concerns are appropriate to consider. Parents with concerns about how their infant or young child is developing, relating, or behaving are invited to call for a consultation appointment. Mental health services are also appropriate when a parent or primary care-taker feels burdened, worried, or confused by the demands of parenting, or when parents must cope with difficult circumstances surrounding a baby's birth, health or special needs. Infant parent psychotherapy can address concerns about the baby or child, the parent, and the parent-child relationship including:

Fussy baby, excessive crying, difficult to sooth

Sleeping or feeding difficulties

Developmental concerns, including medical issues and hospitalizations

Birth of child following infertility and/or difficult pregnancy

Birth of child following a history of miscarriage, fetal or infant death

Traumatic birth

Parenting difficulties or uncertainties

Emotional relationship between parent and child

Sibling relationship difficulties

Parent depression or anxiety including perinatal mood disorders

Stress regarding the child or parenting

Change, loss, trauma or other life issues that affect parents, children, or the parent-child relationship

Child Play Therapy

Play therapy is to children what talk therapy is to adults. Play is a child’s language. In the playroom, toys, games and activities are used like words. Children are provided therapeutic toys to enable them to say with the toys what they have difficulty saying with words. They can use dolls, puppets, paints, or other toys to say what they think or how they feel. Many times difficult things happen in life and even the adults involved have difficulty understanding or explaining the events or their feelings about the events. It is easy to see why children, who lack the verbal skills of an adult, find it even more difficult. Play therapy allows children the opportunity to work through, heal, and move past the difficult times in their lives. Play therapy accomplishes all this in the most efficient, effective, and child focused manner available,not only does it work wonderfully, children love it!Through Play Therapy children learn about themselves and their surroundings, their capabilities, their limitations, they learn new skills, learn how to handle anger and frustration, heal, work through difficult times, and increase their self-esteem and ability to communicate. 

Adolescent Work

As a teen therapist, I am here to be a supportive guide and give your family tools to create a stronger and more resilient family!

In my individual therapy with teens, I empower your adolescent to make good life choices, understand themselves, deal with their changing emotions, and have good healthy relationships! 

I help YOU — the parent — in being the best mother or father you can be no matter what struggles your teen and your family is facing.

We can work together to help put and keep your teenager on a healthy path.

© 2018 Megan Johnson Therapeutic Practice
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